Monday, May 13, 2013

Money Saving Tips for the College Girl!

I think my biggest issue is saving money. Who doesn't want to splurge on that adorable spring dress at Forever 21? I KNOW I DID, and I actually did splurge on it. Still have yet to wear the thing...
I've compiled a list of tips that will definitely help you out with saving money in college.

  1. Don't buy expensive binders and folders just because they're cute: Get the cheap ugly ones and decorate them yourself! Keep your eyes open for a Cute Binder DIY!
  2. Buy used textbooks or rent them if possible: Buying brand new textbooks is a bad idea. Trust me, I did it my first two semesters because I like having fresh new things. I wasted over $400 that I could have used to pay back my student loans. Check out for used textbooks, or rent them from (but make sure you send it back on time, or you'll be paying interest...)
  3. ALWAYS check with your professor before buying the book: Ask them how often the book will be used. If they say "Oh you need it for that one paragraph on page 11", don't buy the book. Ask a classmate to text/email/send a picture of that paragraph. Don't waste your money on a book that you'll only touch once.
  4. Gather classmate info: If you have a question, sometimes the professor won't answer. They have hundreds of other students, you're not their biggest concern. Get your desk partners cell number and email address and ask them for help if you have a question about an assignment.
  5. Buy snacks and drinks in bulk and avoid vending machines: Seriously... $2 for an itty bitty bag of skittles? No. Go to Costco or BJ's before you move into your dorm (or before semester starts for those of you who live off campus) and buy a pack of 200bags for $10. 
  6. Use cash or debit - never credit: With debit and cash, you can more simply keep track of your spending. When you always rely on your credit card, you stop paying attention to how much you spend. Those bottles of Sprite add up, I promise.
  7. Live at home or off campus: If you're going to a state college where on-campus living is not manditory, live in an apartment with a couple roommates, or if you're close enough to home, take over the basement or spare room above the garage. I'm in the spare above the garage at my parents house and I go DAYS without even seeing them. It's worth it to save that money.
  8. Leave your car at home: Rely on buses or friends to get you to where you need to go. The price of gas and parking really adds up.
  9. Become an RA: You'll have to stay up till 3am waiting for everyone to get in and out of the dorm, but you get a break on price of board. It's so worth it.
  10. COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!!!: Spend 2 years getting your Associates at community college - Save well over $10k. Go to a state college after to get your Bachelors, then if you want to go on, find somewhere to get your Masters. Community College is cheap and great if you're not totally certain what you want to do with your life. It's the best decision I ever made.
  11. Become an extreme couponer: Sounds silly but trust me, it's great. When you need to make a run to the grocery store to pick up snacks, save a ton of money by using coupons.
  12. Cook/drink at home instead of going out: My boyfriend and I need to utilize this tip. Go to the store and pick up ingredients for a nice home cooked meal instead of hitting up Panera and Starbucks every time you're hungry. You'll save a TON of money. And have some friends over for a small party instead of going to the bar. Instead of spending $2 on each bottle of beer, buy a couple cases or kegs and throw down!
  13. Track your spending and make a budget: Create a plan for how much you will allow yourself to spend on what per week. You'll save up if you follow your plan.
  14. Cheap dates: At home meals, hikes, on campus activities. Don't spend your money going out to fancy dinners. Cheap dates are SO MUCH more fun.
  15. Don't buy on impulse: If you see something you want, put it down. Wait a week. If you still want it, go get it.
  16. Start a small business: Can you fix computers? iPhone screens? Play an instrument? Start charging for your services. Others will prefer having a buddy fix their stuff as opposed to the guy in town who charges a ton to do these things. And if you play an instrument, have frats/sororities pay you to perform at their parties.
  17. Watch for student discounts: There's student discounts everywhere, you just have to keep an eye out. My boyfriend pays HALF of what everyone else does at Crossfit because he's a student!
  18. Campus activities: Movie nights, dances, socials, even luncheons. My schools culinary department does lunches once a week. FREE FOOD. Always check out campus activities.
There's only a few of the tips for saving money in college. Keep an eye out for future posts here: DIY binder decorating and cheap date ideas!  

Post Ideas!

Hello beauties! 
This post is in regards to post ideas! 
I'd like you all to give me input on what you think I should post about. This can be DIY/Craft ideas, hair/beauty tips and tutorials, as well as things you're wondering about college, finance, or life in general.
Write in the comments here and I'll be sure to post about what you think I should post about!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Life Management - Binder Edition

This idea came from my overactive creative imagination, as well as my lack of organization. Juggling college classes, two jobs, a family, and a boyfriend can be extremely challenging and difficult to squish into a 24 hour day. Also, I don't trust computers to hold all my important documents. 
Tip #1 for a college student: NEVER TRUST A COMPUTER!!!!
Always back up everything to a flash drive, and always print out and file important documents.
So after having to learn all of this the hard way, I searched Pinterest for life management tips. While searching, I found this idea. Stuff everything in life into a binder.
 After going through several blogs trying to find the best Life Binder DIY, I settled on just using my creativity to come up with one of my own.
This is how I made mine. Doesn't have to be how you make yours. Suit yours to fit your own life. 

Life Binder How-To:

Step One: Grab an old binder. We all have a spare hanging around, and if you don't, go run to the school store and pick one up for two bucks. Also, pick up a pack of dividers and some clear document pockets. Anything you think you could use to organize your binder.

Step Two: Label your sections.
Mine are as follows:
  • Calendar
  • Emergency Info
  • Finance
  • School
  • Projects
  • Food
Feel free to add, subtract, do whatever kinds of sections you want. These are just what are easiest for me.

 Step Three: Start filling up your binder! 
Here is what my binder contains so far. 

Step Four: Decorate your binder in any way you'd like. I  won't post a picture here, because mine is not at all decorated. I need to edit a nice design to tape on the front or something.

FREE Printables:
These are the printables I used. You can find more if you search pinterest for Free Printables!
 Password Log:
Check Register:
Financial Goals Worksheet:
Take Out Numbers: 
Well, that's it for today, folks!!! Post in the comments for any other helpful hints on how to make and utilize your binder. See you next time!  

Health & Beauty

Using this post to get all of my pages set up correctly, will remove once I get everything all set!

College Life

Using this post to get all of my pages set up correctly, will remove once I get everything all set!

Finance Planning

Using this post to get all of my pages set up correctly, will remove once I get everything all set!

DIY Posts!

Using this post to get all of my pages set up correctly, will remove once I get everything all set!